Bundi language

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The Bundi Language is a language first spoken by the Bundi tribe on Arbundia. It's the official language of the Arbundian Empire.


The Bundi language has four vowels: ɐ, u, i, o̞ and 23 pulmonic consonants (used in words). There are 9 additional clicks and ejective consonants exclusively used as conjunctions prefixes.

Bundi words always end with a vowel. The vowel o̞ is only found at the beginning of words. All the vowels are pronounced short, unless for the last vowel of a proper name. Consonants are divided in 5 categories. Changing a consonant from a category to another will change the meaning of the syllable. The pronunciation of the consonant will change depending on the place of the consonant from the end of the section; however the syllable will keep the same meaning. For example the syllable [n̥di] can only be found in the last syllable of a word, the syllable [ʀbi] will have the same meaning but can only be found one place before last. The first consonant of a word containing a noun is silent (pronounced [ħ]) unless it's from category 5. The first consonant of a word containing a verb is always pronounced fully.


Pulmonic Place → Labial Coronal Dorsal Laryngeal
Manner ↓ Bi­labial Labio­dental Alveolar Velar Uvular Pharyn­geal/epi­glottal
Nasal m n
Plosive ħp ħb n̥t n̥d k ɡ q ʡ
Sibilant affricate ts dz
Non-sibilant affricate p̪fː kxː ħ
Sibilant fricative z
Non-sibilant fricative ɸː ħv f v
Trill ʀb,ʀv
Ejective Stop ʡʼ
Affricate t̠ʃʼ ʈʂʼ kxʼ qχʼ


The Bundi language is agglutinative, words are composed of various morphemes that can be isolated with a specific meaning. Each word can be split in sections of maximum 6 syllables. Each one of this sections is a noun a verb or an adjective/adverb. The adjective always precedes the noun to form a continuous word but is an independent section. The same is true for adverb and verb.

Each syllable has nearly always a own meaning. The meaning is conveyed by the consonant category, the vowel and the pitch.

Verbs are built with a consonant prefix that specifies the object and a consonant suffix that specifies the the subject. The tense is is given by the pitch of the verb; all the verb always has the same pitch however adverbs will have an independent pitch.

Writing System

The Bundi language is written with the Arbundian script. This system was invented from scratch by Arbundi with the help of the Akavintu. It's an alphabetical system where each syllable is written by composing two symbols. The "Tail" conveys the pitch and vowel, the "Stalk" is the consonant.


vt1a xt2i t2u .,;';;',.,.,.