Miaopiaoism is the most common religion during the history of Flying Cats. Its a polytheistic religion based on the founding poem by Altam, who unified different divinities already presents in the religions of the six root cultures of the Miaopiaotiao archipelago. Based on different interpretations of Altam writings and the importance assigned to each divinity, many variants and schools emerged in different cultures and times; each of those with very different philosophical principles and sometimes additional or altered divinities.
Miaopiaoism was founded on year 0 AA, by Altam, an erudite priest of the Maccin culture, when he lived an encounter with the two divinities that will be called Nador and Semor. He then tells a poem in which he describes the structure of the world in three planes: Akrotope, Mesotope and Bathotope; the main divinities inhabiting them are introduced with a precept giving their characteristics. It also tells the Prophecy of the Super, which gives light on magic (previously shunned by all cultures) and tells that the people will be able to give power of Super to a Flying Cat having saved all, powers granted by all those who can tame Dragons; preparing him to protect the Flying Cats for all the future. In the following years he spreads his story and educate his children using this new religion. The ten childs of Altam, expanded his word to the other cultures. They establish alliances, thus starting a period of peace Miaopiaoism is adopted by most within some years. Magic develops, the childs of Altam become the most powerful mages. The following generation is even more able, therefore the 26 grandchilds of Altam are set to tame the Dragons, as was told in the prophecy. The 26 also refine the structure of the religion, by adding Tefen and other divinities; classing all them in 11 pantheons, they also establish the story of the generation of the divinities and the world. They develop a writing system and transcribe Altam's poem, their additions and the Rules of Magic. These rules are built around the prophecy and mostly institutionalize a role of "Archimage",who are the only to have the right to tame Dragons and thus are the ones that can make a Super. The title of Archimage is inherited by a designed apprentice on death or if the Archimage chooses so. The title is represented by an intarsiated stone tablet, the Colm. The first Archimages were obviously the 26 grandchilds of Altam.
Other divinities regarded as canon by most are modified or added in the following 500 years, the last being Mien divinity of metals. At that point the growing population and divergence between cultures didn't permit a rapid spread of modifications, different schools began to appear in each culture. However they were always coordinated by a Archimage council on Miaopiaotiao every 20 years.